Greetings, Valley View Rotary family and friends!!!
Thank you to everyone that attended last week's program with Alene Keenan to hear about the brand she has built around her adventures and how she is using her life at sea to improve the client experience across different industries.
Helen Keller said, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all."
Life is full of opportunities to explore, take risks, and step outside of our comfort zones. Whether it's trying something new, pursuing a passion, or embarking on a journey of self-discovery, adventure can bring excitement, growth, and fulfillment to our lives. However, it also highlights the importance of taking chances and embracing the unknown, rather than playing it safe and missing out on the many wonders that life has to offer.
Please join us this week at The Harry J Olson Senior Center located at 1607 North Street. La Crosse, WI 54603 where our very own Erin Goggin is the Executive Director! She will introduce us to everything happening there, provide us with some history and offer tours. Breakfast will be provided.
TriCon is Here... This Week!!!
Our next Mobile Meals Week is a month away...
Click on Sign Up to view available slots and select your day to help! Thank you!!
Lucas Herro
Many members were moved by Lucas' recent presentation to the Club about his journey and desire to return to the Olympics.
Here are some ways to help Lucas: You can make an Online Donation at or send a check to: Lucas M. Herro Supplemental Needs Trust c/o Mike Herro. 533 Eagle Ct. Onalaska, WI 54650.
Budapest 2023 and Friendship Exchanges
Mark Etrheim has sent some photos from the current Rotary Exchange trirp to Budapest, hoping to get more members involved in future trips. Budapest, Mark reports, "is an amazing city. There are so much newer than expected and tall buildings. Our host is extremely accommodating!" They are planning on attending 4 different Rotary Club meetings while there. See photos here:
District 6250 has 1 more Friendship Exchange opportunities on the calendar for this year:
September 7 to 18
Avenues of Service Award Nominations
The AOS Committee will be meeting next month to begin preparations for this year's event. Please forward any 2023 Nominations prior to the end of this month for consideration. Award Categories are: Club Service, Community Service, International Service, Vocational Service, New Generations, Rising Star, Lifetime Achievement and Valley View Rotarian of the Year.
Holmen Area Rotary Club Service Auction
The Holmen Area Rotary Club's main fundraiser is on Friday, May 5th at the Cargill Room. It is a fun evening with dinner, fellowship and fun. Tickets cost $30 in advance. Please call 608.780.1628 for more information.
Rotary International Foundation Giving
Two options for giving to the Foundation:
Presidents Leadership Series with Rick Kyte
The fourth and final session is May 17th at 5pm. More information and register at:
Youth Exchange
Earth is on the West Salem Tennis Team and this week has a Home Match on Thursday, April 20th at 4:30pm versus Black River Falls.
Calendar of Events
April 24th - BBBB Bingo this week. $11,000 Jackpot, $1/game, $1/dauber, $200 payouts. Guest Caller: Paperback Rider. Secondary prizes: Chiropractic First of La Crescent & Rudy's Drive-In. $4,000 e-bike Raffle, $10/ticket. Entertainment, Fun!!! Doors open at 4pm and First Call at 6pm. La Crosse Center. Games/Jackpots are paid by check, not cash, NO CARRY-INS/NO INFANTS/NO TODDLERS.
May 5, An evening with Moniker at The Main. $10/$15, Doors 6p, Music 7:30p
May 25th, Valley View Rotary Mobile Meals Week * Sign up is Live!
July 28-30, Deece Fest 2023. Blue Bird Campground.
August 16th, Avenues of Service Dinner. Cargill Room.
Event Resources:
Thank you, Rotarian friends, for all you do for our community and our world!