Greetings, Valley View Rotary family and friends!!!
Thank you for everyone that attended last week's impromptu discussion on our membership dues and meeting logistics. Please continue to share your thoughts with Board Members leading up to our next Executive Meeting, which are held the 2nd Tuesday morning of each month. We will be voting on the 2023-2024 Budget at our June meeting.
Memorial Day is a time to remember and honor those who gave their lives for our freedom. May we be grateful for their sacrifice and be inspired to live our best lives in their honor for the path they paved.
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
- John F. Kennedy.
Please join us this Wednesday when Greg Clark and team will enlighten us on SCORE: Building an Eco System for aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Moon Tunes 2023 Arrives This Thursday
Tom Wopat and Dan Sebranek will be on stage this Thursday. Volunteer Sign-ups for the 4 June concerts can be found by clicking here.
As our Club's largest fundraiser, you are encouraged to help pass the bucket if you find yourself at the Park and not officially signed up. Thank you for all your help and enjoy as WE... ROCK... THE... PARK... and raise more funds to accomplish more in our community!!!!!
Earth & Gustaf's Farewell Party
Let's celebrate all the memories created this year with Rachata "Earth" Kateudomsup and Gustaf Bang on June 4th from 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the home of the Wolbrink's. 750 Lewis St. West Salem, WI. Please RSVP text to Rose at 608.799.2721.
Epinal France Sister City Fundraiser
Gourmet Tour de France Wine & Appetizers. Thursday, June 22 from 5-7:30pm. Le Chateau. 410 Cass Street. $60 per person.
Dan Jorgenson
Author and Rotarian Dan Jorgenson, who presented to our Club earlier this year via zoom, is stopping in La Crosse on June 12th. Interested in obtaining any of his books? Reach out to him at to let him know how many books to bring with him!
Election of Zone 29 Member of RI President Nominating Committee 2023-24
Please review the profiles and we will vote at our meeting on Wednesday during announcements - for real this time :)
Juneteenth is a day celebrated in communities across the U.S. each year as the official emancipation of slavery. This summer in La Crosse we are celebrating Juneteenth on Sunday, June 18th in Riverside Park.
Seeking Raffle Items for our Golf Outing Fundraiser
Auction items should have a value of at least $20, but higher is better :)
Prizes for golfers should come in a quantity of 4 (4 players per team), such as 4 gift cards of the same value. A dozen golf balls works well since there are 4 sleeves per box.
Raffle items should be worth at least $100 but again, higher is better ;)
We would like to to have 3 to 5 items with values ranging from $200 to as much as $500. We already have a quilt (value at least $500) and will likely arrange a golf specific item.
College Football, NFL or equivalent tickets are a good draw also!!!
Thank you for your continued support of this fundraiser that generated $9,000 in profits last year that we were able to donate to the Children's Hospital of Tanzania and the La Crosse Boys and Girls Club.
Not a golfer you say... and want to be involved in this amazing charitable experience to help us make an even bigger impact this year? Please see Bob Newberry or me and we will find a way for you to help grow this event!
Avenues of Service Award Nominations
The AOS Committee will be meeting next month to begin preparations for this year's event. Please forward any 2023 Nominations prior to the end of this month for consideration. Award Categories are: Club Service, Community Service, International Service, Vocational Service, New Generations, Rising Star, Lifetime Achievement and Valley View Rotarian of the Year.
Rotary International Foundation Giving
Two options for giving to the Foundation:
Youth Exchange
Earth & Gustaf have Finals this week...
Calendar of Events
May 29th - Memorial Day
No BBBB Bingo this week
May 31, Rotary Orientation via Zoom, 7am or 7pm. Email PDG Karen at for the link
June 1st - MOON TUNES RETURNS. Tom Wopat and Dan Sebranek. Riverside Park. 5:30 pm - 8 pm (unless you are signed up to volunteer before and/or after - all help is appreciated)
June 5th - BBBB Bingo returns to the La Crosse Center Upstairs River Ballroom!!! <TBD> Jackpot, $1/game, $1/dauber. Guest Caller: Hope Restores. Secondary Prizes from Practically Posh. Entertainment, Fun!!! Food & Cash Bar available. Doors open at 4pm and First Call at 6pm. Games/Jackpots are paid by check, not cash, NO CARRY-INS/NO INFANTS/NO TODDLERS.
July 28-30, Deece Fest 2023. Blue Bird Campground.
August 7th, Valley View Golf Fundraiser supporting the International Children's Hospital in Tanzania and the La Crosse Boys & Girls Club. Cedar Creek.
August 16th, Avenues of Service Dinner. Cargill Room.
September 7, Croatia Friendship Exchange
Event Resources:
Thank you, Rotarian friends, for all you do for our community and our world!